Monday, July 25, 2011

The Garden & Ebay~

~Hallow's Eve Moon~

In my gardening frenzy I've managed to complete this Moon Cupboard doll.

I spent a good portion of my weekend picking, shelling and freezing blackeyed peas, canning tomatoes and today finishing 8 pints of pickle.
I'm hoping now things will slow down a bit and that I'll mostly be just canning tomatoes. It's alot of work in a short period of time but it gives me a good feeling when I see my pantry and freezer shelves filling with pints and quarts of vegetables.

We're supposed to get a slight reprieve from the extremely hot, humid weather for a couple of days. I welcome it! I'm not a hot weather lover, give me the cool, crisp days of fall and then I'm very happy.

Hoping your weather will be cooler...


1 comment:

Hanni said...

What a wonderful doll!